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Annual trends on smoking in Scotland from the Smoking Toolkit Study

Vera Buss, Robert West, Dimitra Kale, Loren Kock, Jamie Brown

Updated: 17 January 2025

Next update: January 2026

See key below.

See key below; NB some percentages do not sum to 100 due to rounding of weighted data.

Support for tobacco control policies: Key

Ban = Ban the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products to everyone born after a certain year from 2030 onwards

T21 = Raising the legal age of sale of cigarettes and tobacco from 18 to 21

Industry fund = Requiring the tobacco industry to pay into a fund to address problems caused by tobacco (e.g. health, environmental, etc.)

Industry disclose = Requiring the tobacco industry to publically disclose business information relevant to its activities (such as sales data, details of lobbying and marketing)

Retailer license = Requiring anyone selling tobacco to have a licence which can be removed if they sell to those under-age

Tax = Increasing tax on cigarettes and tobacco substantially above the annual rate of inflation (e.g. tax on cigarettes could increase by up to 10%)

Health warnings = Requiring health warnings on cigarette sticks and rolling tobacco papers

Support to quit = Ensuring that every smoker who wants it can get support that is clinically proven to help stop smoking 

Government spend = Restoring government spending on anti-smoking advertising campaigns to historically high levels

Ban in homes with children = Banning smoking in homes with children

EC on prescription = Making e-cigarettes available on prescription as a stop-smoking aid for adult smokers

EC advertising = Restricting e-cigarette advertising to prevent uptake by young people

Retailer numbers = Reducing the number of retailers selling cigarettes and tobacco in neighbourhoods with a high density of tobacco retailers

Retail near schools = Restricting the sale of cigarettes and tobacco in close proximity to schools